3 Tips for a Stress-Free New Year

Brian Hicks

Posted December 23, 2012

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”  — Benjamin Franklin

Successful investors consistently have one thing in common…

Knowledge is the only effective tool to acquire and maintain lasting wealth, power, and status.

If you want to gamble blindly in hopes of coming out on top of this recession, spend a weekend in Las Vegas…

But if you’d prefer to build sustainable wealth for you and your loved ones, keep reading.

Don’t Give Up

We know 2012 hasn’t been an easy year for investors. A tumultuous economy, dismal job numbers, quantitative easing, and the presidential election have all exhausted an already volatile market.

And although we regret to admit that the end of the year will not end any differently, we also know how to deal with the chaos…

Fiscal cliff and Fed fears must be set aside in order to get to the heart of the matter: knowing how to effectively save for retirement in lieu of the safe asset shortage.

Buy the Fear

Now is the time to buy safe assets at an affordable rate.

Planning for retirement is a lot like planning for your first child in that you truly have no idea what to expect. Life is full of risk and unexpected trials and tribulations.

It’s human nature to hedge that risk in as many ways as possible.

Cushion Your Portfolio Promptly

As much as any expert can predict the future, unforeseen dilemmas are unavoidable. You’ve got to prepare for everything and anything. And if you wait until the last minute, you will most likely find yourself overwhelmed with information you’ll need to sift through in order to make decisions.

Investors know they’ll need a cushion for the long and bumpy roads that lie ahead. That’s why they’re hedging with gold, silver, real estate, various insurance policies, equities, bonds, even canned food.

We at Wealth Daily are here to educate you step by step along the way… as this fiscal cliff debate plays out, as Obama enacts stronger federal gun control laws, as gold and silver rally amidst manipulation speculation, and as select equities rally nicely for the years to come…

Whatever happens, we’ll be ready. Because we’re paying particular attention to what the government is saying and doing.

We hear them loud and clear, and we’re acting accordingly right now…

Here are a three things you can do:

  1. Go alternative. High-risk investment inevitably yields higher returns. For example, mutual funds that invest in a mix of high-yield bonds, dividend-paying stocks, and emerging markets or mortgage-backed securities can help pave a solid foundation towards wealth. This explains why gold and silver rallies are off the charts in time of recession and depression: They offer substantive gains that can be difficult to find elsewhere in uncertain market conditions.
  2. Go long. If you invest in bonds with longer maturities, you’ll generate greater returns. As long as interest rates remain historically low, this is a safe bet. Bernanke has said they will not even reach 1% until at least 2017. It’s time to buy. 
  3. Buy liquid asserts. You always want to invest in some things you can sell at a moment’s notice or use in exchange for goods and services without taking a loss or offering a discount on price. An added bonus here is that they have no credit risk. These assets are a little less attractive than some alternative options because they sometimes pay less than inflation, but they always pay what they say they will.

It’s no secret that it’s best to diversify your portfolio, but it’s equally important to understand how you should do this.

That’s why we’re recommending this mix of alternative investment options — especially gold and silver, given the economy today and the fact that we live in a world rife with bank-rigging and metal manipulation — bonds with long maturities, and liquid assets.

Gold is now widely accepted as the No. 1 liquid “anti-crash insurance” asset to possess in 2013. And pay attention to silver, because the white metal has the potential to take gold’s spotlight by year’s end due to a unique supply crisis.

A final note before a week of celebrations with family…

We wish our readers a healthy, happy holiday season. And safe travels to those who are driving and flying this week.

We look forward to spending another great year with you dissecting the markets and finding ways to successfully build and protect wealth — together.

Best wishes for a prosperous future,

Brittany Stepniak Signature

Brittany Stepniak
for Wealth Daily

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